

We attach great importance to research and development to understand innovative and sustainable business models. Therefore we publish studies, reports and books at the academic level regularly. Because the fundamental task of innovation is asking questions. We do it daily.

sustainability - ranking

Schweizer Ranking der Nachhaltigkeits-berichte

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: September 2023
Page: 800
File size: 
Language: German
Print: Digital


Das Ranking der Nachhaltigkeitsberichte dessen Kriterien bieten der Gesellschaften/Organisationen eine wegweisende Einleitung an, wie sie ihre Berichte erstellen können. 

Zweck: Die Förderung der Nachhaltigkeitsleistung der Gesellschaften und Organisationen.

Kriterienset: Basis, Gesellschaft, Portfolio und Gebäude

Ziel: Auszeichnung der Nachhaltigkeitsberichte

Konformität: Mit internationalen und nationalen Standards (ESG, GRI, UNGC, SASB, TCFD, CDP, SBTi, AMAS, CSRD, CSDDD, ASIP usw.)

Anwendbar für folgende Gesellschaften und Organisationen;
a. Immobilienfonds
b. Pensionskassen
c. Stiftungen
d. SICAV’s

Finance - Real Estate - Construction

The Inception of Property Technology

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: May 2023
Page: 488
File size: 13MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 150.00

1. Property Technology
2. Construction
3. Smart Buildings
4. Big Data Analytics
5. Sustainability
6. Real Estate Valuation Models
7. Property Management
8. Digital Marketplaces
9. Real Estate Investment and Finance
10. Immersive Reality
11. The Development of the Ecosystems
12. Startups Investment and Financing
13. The Future of Markets
14. The Fundamental Principles of Startups Innovation Evaluation
15. Tech Startups Due Diligence

Venture Capital - Private Equity

The Fundamental Principles of Startups Innovation Evaluation

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: April 2023
Page: 70
File size: 3.7MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 100.00


  1. What is innovation and where does it come from?
  2. The characteristics of innovative people
  3. Evaluation Method
  4. Assessed Business Models
  5. Service & Products
  6. Innovation Levels
  7. The basic question of business idea/business model
  8. Factors
  9. The evaluation process
  10. The innovation development process
Finance - Real Estate - Construction

PropTech 2020

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: January 2020
Page: 323
File size: 19MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 150.00


  1. The Future of PropTech
  2. What is innovation
  3. Digital Rental Platforms
  4. Rent without deposit and reducing the vacancy rate
  5. Voice-activated property search
  6. Automated house visiting
  7. We fix it
  8. Crowdfunding Platforms for developers and investors
  9. The marketplace for Crowdinvesting
  10. The bidding process in real estate market
  1. Flat-Fee or Commission
  2. Smart connecting
  3. Smart Home & IoT
  4. The availability of data in real estate industry
  5. Automated Valuation Models
  6. Healthy and green office spaces are the future of Smart Buildings
  7. The Future of real estate: Big Data Analytics
  8. Virtual Reality – Augmented Reality – 3D
  9. PropTech & FinTech common paths
  10. Money died la viva blockchain
  11. Smart contracts and cryptocurrency as payment
  12. Market correction will come
  13. Understanding of the crises
  14. What makes real estate valuable?
  15. Ignoranz als Innovationskiller
  16. What will happen between 2020 – 2023
  17. Swiss PropTech Market Reporting
Real Estate

Nachhaltige Immobilien

Die Berücksichtigung der Nachhaltigkeits- aspekten in der Immobilienbewertung

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: July 2023
Page: 81
File size: 3MB
Language: German
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 150.00


  1. Die Berücksichtigung von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten in der Immobilienbewertung: Eine neue Perspektive für den Immobilienmarkt
  2. Ressourcenverbrauch und Umweltbelastung bei Immobilien
  3. Die Verbrauchs- und Emissionsanteile an der Lebensdauer von Gebäuden
  4. Die Eigenschaften von Gebäuden
  5. Die physikalischen Eigenschaften von Gebäuden
  6. Was beeinflusst den Nachhaltigkeitsgrad des Gebäudes?
  7. Die wichtigsten Leistungsindikatoren nachhaltigen Gebäude
  8. Lebenzyklus der Gebäude
  9. Transformation der Gebäude
  10. Das Triple Bottom Line
  11. Die wirtschaftliche Leistung des Gebäudes
  12. Die ökologische Säule des nachhaltigen Bauens zielt darauf ab
  13. Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Säule nachhaltigen Gebäudes
  14. Die wirtschaftliche Vorteile nachhaltiger Gebäude
  15. Die nachhaltige Massnahmen in der Bau- und Immobiliensektoren
  16. Die Berücksichtigung der Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten in der Immobilienbewertung
  17. Die Nachhaltigkeit
    Die Messbarkeit der nachhaltigen Immobilien
  18. Die Entwicklung und die Integration des Nachhaltigkeitsfaktors
  19. Die Berücksichtigung des finanziellen Mehrwertes der Nachhaltigkeit
  20. Ausganglage
  21. Immobilienbewertung
  22. Nachhaltigkeitsfaktor
  23. Die Indikatoren und Teilindikatoren
  24. Gewichtung des Nachhaltigkeitsfaktor im DCF-Method
  25. Berechnung des Nachhaltigkeitsfaktor und dessen Integration in die DCF-Methode
  26. Nachhaltigkeitslevel
  27. Daten Management
  28. Grenze des Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungsmethod
  29. Schlussbemerkungen
Real Estate

Digital Transformation in Real Estate Management

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: June 2023
Page: 129
File size: 9MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 100.00


  1. Digital Transformation in Real Estate
  2. Real Estate Management
  3. Investment Management
  4. Fund Management 
  5. Portfolio Management
  6. Asset Management
  7. Property Management 
  8. Facility Management
  9. Data Management in Real Estate Portfolio
  10. The Technologies and Methods
Finance - Real Estate

Valuation of Sustainable Real Estate

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: May 2023
Page: 89
File size: 2.9MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 200.00


  1. Real Estate
  2. Sustainability-relevant characteristics of real estate
  3. Resource Consumption and environmental pollution in real estate
  4. The consumption and emission shares in the lifespan of buildings
  5. The characteristics of buildings
  6. The physical characteristics of buildings
  7. The lifecycle cost analysis of buildings
  8. How much does the lifecycle cost a building?
  9. Sustainable Buildings
  10. Sustainable property technology
  1. Sustainable property technology
  2. What influences the sustainability degree of the building?
  3. The key performance indicators of sustainable buildings
  4. Sustainability assessment and considered Building modules
  5. Sustainable transformation of buildings
  6. The triple bottom line of sustainable building
  7. Economic Performance of sustainable buildings
  8. The ecological pillars of sustainable buildings
  9. The Economic and social pillars of sustainable buildings
  10. The economic benefits of sustainable buildings
  11. The sustainable measures in the real estate and construction sectors
  12. The Valuation Methods in Real Estate
  13. Automated Valuation Model
  14. Sustainability Assessment Methodology for Buildings
  15. Sustainability
  16. Assessment Methodology
  17. The Goals of sustainability assessment methodology
  18. Sustainability Levels in assessment methodology
  19. Sustainability Indicators in assessment methodology
  20. Development of sustainability factor and integration into the valuation methods
  21. Sales Comparison Approach
  22. Discounted Cash-Flow Method (DCF)
  23. Sustainability Assessment Methodology
  24. Sustainability Factor’s Average
  25. Real Estate Sustainability Valuation with DCF-Method
Finance - Real Estate - Construction

The Future of Buildings

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: April 2023
Page: 47
File size: 2.6MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 100.00


  1. The smart buildings sector
  2. What is a smart building?
  3. The essential components of smart buildings
  4. The infrastructure of smart buildings
  5. The Physical Infrastructure
  6. The Data Infrastructure
  7. Some measures and technologies of smart buildings
  8. Business drivers of smart building
  9. The Major Challenges of smart buildings
  10. The benefits of smart buildings
  11. The Internet of Things (IoT)
  12. Sensors
  13. Green Buildings
  14. Building energy simulation
  15. The Cloud Computing
  16. Human as a Sensor in buildings
Finance - Real Estate - Construction

Data Analytics Methodology in Real Estate

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: April 2023
Page: 51
File size: 2.2MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 100.00


  1. Big Data Analytics Sector
  2. Why do we need big data analytics?
  3. Big Data
  4. Big data process
  5. Application programming interface
  6. How does an API work?
  7. Why do we need APIs?
  8. Types of APIs
  9. Types of API protocols
  10. APIs, web services, and microservices
  11. APIs and cloud architecture
  12. Internet of Things
  13. Machine learning and IoT
  14. IoT Stream and Uncertainty
  15. Data Analytics Methods and Categories for IoT
  16. IoT architecture
  17. Cloud Computing
  18. Edge Computing
  19. Fog Computing
  20. Open Data
  21. Predictive Analytics
  22. Predictive analytics methods
  23. Data Management Process
Finance - Real Estate - Construction

Property Technology Standards

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: September 2022
Page: 121
File size: 4.6MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 250.00


  1. Property technology sector
  2. Property technology company structures
  3. Property technology company types
  4. Business areas of property technology companies
  5. The innovation standards
  6. The sustainability standards
  7. The professional skills of the founders
  8. The organizations and accreditation process
Finance - Real Estate - Construction

Innovation Index 2021

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: June 2021
Page: 168
File size: 21MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 200.00

1. Markets
2. Sectors
3. Statistics
4. PropTech in Zurich
5. The innovative companies in PropTech market
6. Technology and Innovation 
7. Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital

Finance - Real Estate - Construction

What is PropTech?

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: July 2020
Page: 44
File size: 0.5MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 50.00


  1. Property technology
  2. The criteria for Property Technology
  3. Property technology sectors
  4. The major technologies of the property technology sector
  5. The benefits of property technology
  6. PropTech Switzerland Ecosystem
  7. Marketplace
  8. Real Estate Investment
  9. Property Management
  10. Construction
  11. Smart Buildings & IoT
  12. Virtual Reality –3D –Augmented Reality –Drones
  13. Big Data Analytics
  14. Valuation Model
  15. Real Estate FinTech
Finance - Real Estate - Construction

Innovation Index 2020

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: June 2020
Page: 101
File size: 9.3MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 200.00


  1. PropTech Sectors
  2. PropTech Switzerland Ecosystem
  3. Ecosystem in the first half-year
  4. The fast-growing sectors
  5. Marketplace
  6. Real Estate Investment
  7. Digitalization replaces Property Management
  8. Construction
  9. Smart Buildings & IoT
  10. Virtual Reality, 3D, Augmented Reality and Drones
  11. Big Data Analytics
  12. Valuation Models
  13. Asset Tokenization –A promising opportunity
  14. Real Estate FinTech
  15. Innovation Technology Solutions
  16. What is PropTech
  17. The impact of Covid-19 on the PropTech ecosystem
  18. Is the Real Estate Market Going to Crash?
  19. What said What happened
  20. Statistics
Finance - Real Estate - Construction

Digital Platforms 2022

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: January 2022
Page: 477
File size: 70MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 150.00

Analyzed platforms:
1. MoneyPark
2. PriceHubble
3. Neho
4. Smino
5. Key4 by UBS
6. Valuu
8. Locatee
9. Allthings
10. Wüest Partner

Finance - Real Estate - Construction

Digital Platforms 2021

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: February 2021
Page: 233
File size: 29MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 150.00


  1. The best PropTech Homepage
  2. Top 3 PropTech Homepages
  3. Top 10 PropTech Homepages
  4. Cutting Edge Ranking
  5. Technology Ranking
  6. Technology Quality Ranking
  7. Design Ranking
  8. Performance Ranking
  9. Accessibility Ranking
  10. Best practices Ranking
  11. SEO Ranking
  12. Page speed Ranking
  13. Marketplace Platforms
  14. Investment Platforms
  15. Property Management Platforms
  16. Construction Platforms
  17. Smart Buildings & IoT Platforms
  18. Virtual Reality Platforms
  19. Big Data Analytics Platforms
  20. Real Estate Valuation Platforms
  21. Real Estate FinTech Platforms
Finance - Real Estate - Construction

Digital Platforms 2020

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: January 2020
Page: 628
File size: 97MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 150.00

1. Marketplace Platforms
2. Investment Platforms
3. Property Management Platforms
4. Construction Platforms
5. Smart Buildings & IoT Platforms
6. Virtual Reality Platforms
7. Big Data Analytics Platforms
8. Real Estate Valuation Platforms
9. Real Estate FinTech Platforms

Finance - Real Estate - Construction

Innovation Standards

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: September 2022
Page: 50
File size: 1.7MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 100.00

1. Property Technology sector
2. Company Structures
3. Company Types
4. The Innovation Standards
5. Certification Process

Finance - Real Estate - Construction

Sustainability Standards for Companies

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: October 2022
Page: 51
File size: 1.5MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 100.00


  1. Property Technology Sector
  2. Company Structures
  3. Company Types
  4. Sustainability Standards
  5. The Evaluation Process of sustainable business models
  6. The certification process
Finance - Real Estate - Construction

Swiss PropTech Directory

Format: PDF
Type: e-Book
Copy Protection: Yes
Release Date: December 2019
Page: 209
File size: 50MB
Language: English
Print: Digital
Price: CHF 100.00


  1. Marketplace
  2. Investment
  3. Property Management
  4. Construction
  5. Smart Buildings & IoT
  6. Virtual Reality
  7. Big Data Analytics
  8. Valuation Model
  9. Real Estate FinTech